Tuesday, December 15, 2009

We All Have a Purpose

My question to my self has been "Beth what is your purpose here?"  After getting my children's book published I had to learn how to market the dagnabit thing.  I checked out other author's websites and blogs and social networking sites.  I found out that every author had a reason to market their book.  To sell it! I know this is not rocket science, but bear with me.  That realization made me think of why I wrote this children's book.  The fact that I hate selling things means that it wasn't to sell books and the fact that I could go work for our family company if I wanted to go to work and make money.  Nope, don't want to do that.  Then the question still remains.  What was my purpose?  Why write a book at all?  I had to recall why I love writing for children and why it has to be about Jesus.  I want them to know that God is real and He loves them.

Do your kids really know this truth?  Do you look at their little feet and wonder what walk they will be on in their life.  Are they going to walk with Jesus or walk with the world?  And do they know the difference?  Are we as parents believing the world about how to raise our children?  Do our everyday actions match our beliefs?  Do we walk the walk for our children to see?

I truly believe God has given me the gift of teaching children.  I relate with them better then with adults.  I look at them and realize that God created them for His Glory.   

My desire is that I truly understand how loved I am by my God that He died for me so that I could live.  Because if I truly understand this type of love and forgiveness then maybe I can teach my children and all the children God puts in front of me.  I want them to know that God's arms are stretched out wide and ready to embrace them. 

We are so blessed.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

If I had a million dollars!

So Beth and I were chatting last night and we asked each other.... if you had all the money you needed and then some, how would you change your life? Have you ever REALLY stopped to consider life in a non money needing sort of way? It was such a great reality check because if you are anything like me, life is a battle to get the money we need to pay the bills, buy groceries and squeeze in a Christmas present for our immediate family. But when you take a step back and consider your purpose, what you want to accomplish in your time here on Earth, and the legacy you want to leave behind, does it have to do with making money?

We can't ignore our financial responsibilities, however are we kindof on the path we would want to be? If not, can we be creative in getting there? Life is short. Pray hard!!! Make the most of yourself and just be the best you you can be today!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

In the name of Love!

With two little people that we made and a wonderful 84 year old Grandmother who helped make me, my husband and our 4 year old Burnese Mountain Dog, life is never dull. I obviously am the caretaker and I have to tell you that I feel as though I am truly being blessed right now (in a mind losing, energy sucking, fly paper feeling sort of way:) )

Really, we were able to spend yesterday at Walmart and then at home putting up the Christmas tree and when it was time for bed, my 3 year old and 19 month old little girls were both in the mood to not be in bed... surprise surprise! Instead of wanting to scream my lungs out with frustration, I took the opportunity to hold the little one and wrap my legs around the other on the couch, stare into the white lights on the tree, smell the fresh pine scent, and cherrish the young life in my arms (and legs). Life is precious, the lives we make, the breaths we take and the moments that take our breath away. I thought of a friend of mine who recently lost her 10 month old, and while tears rolled down my cheeks, I thought how can I "get the most out of this moment, suck it all in, hold on so tight?" What can you do? How do you rellish, cherrish, enjoy, memorize, indulge and all those other things that older people tell you to do when you are complaining?

Life is today, this morning, tonight. An everchanging series of interactions, intended actions, reactions, silence, noise, thoughts, words, emotions, exertions, moments..... all linked together.

As I was washing my grandmothers hair in the sink today, my back was aching, my daughter was whining, the dog was barking, and I just wanted to sit down and stop being bothered. I thought that I will be old one day and I hope that my daughter or granddaughter will love me enough to wash my hair, put up with my habits and noises, and let me experience life with them. It's all for love!

Monday, November 30, 2009

God's Gift to me this Holiday Season

This Holiday Season is turning out to be a bit different then all the rest for me. In a great and terrible way! Anyone with me? Family, family, family....love them or not really love them, they "belong" to us! But does that mean that we HAVE to actively participate in what we think we should be doing? So that our family is "normal" and we do what "normal" families do for the holidays?

In my own personal circle, people who have mean streaks in them (one person actually) is actively participating in her own selfish out-lashing. This is causing a physical separation between 4 generations..... as seemingly sad as this is, I have to say that after about a week or so of reflection and not even a phone call on Thanksgiving from family that lives 10 minutes away.... I'm ok with it!

Let me tell you why. My life has consisted of longing for and looking for love... and from my background and perspective, this void should have been filled by my parents. Hence, all of my thoughts, actions, words, energy has been put towards creating a relationship with my father and his girlfriend (of 15 years that he hasn't married). Although I would never choose her as a friend of mine, my quest for "family" has put me through all kinds of unnecessary drama (I'm sure that none of you have ever suffered this). Well, she has thrown another one of her "fits"(consisting of "I'm not speaking to you and I'm going to say all sorts of mean things about you to your father"), and for the first time, I'm not torn into pieces, and wallowing in the fact that I am not "celebrating the holidays" with my birth father and his partner.

Instead, I am choosing to see this as God's hand in bringing me out of the illusion that I need a close, loving relationship with my parents to be happy, complete, fulfilled, whatever you want to call it. After all, I can only control me and my actions, not those of others. I believe that God has a plan for me and is assisting me in not putting my time, energy, and talents into relationships that are not beneficial for me or my husband and children. This event has opened my eyes to the fact that I don't need to do what I've always done, simply because I've always done it. We grow, we change, our lives change and our priorities change and today I am thanking God for opening my eyes to a healthier, happier holiday season with those people that I really love and care about and am not just obligated to "love"!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

History in Our Public School

I learned so much about Christianity from my son's 6th grade history book (sarcasm intended). The chapters were on the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.  Who knew that Christian zealots conquered the Roman Empire and Jesus was arrested for treason?  He was an outspoken political figure speaking out against the government.  All I can say is Wow!  The book also outlined other religions that surfaced at the same time as Christianity.  The one that also brought hope and was the same as Christianity was Muslim.  Mohammad and Jesus similar leaders of the people. 

I couldn't believe what I was reading.  My son and I actually chuckled a little going over the information.  After I absorbed the seriousness of the text I felt saddened and blessed at the same time.  Blessed because my son knew the Truth and saw through the lies.  Saddened because most of the kids in his class were hearing these "facts" about Christianity and believing them.  The school was actually teaching a false Jesus and a false Truth.  It is not a coincidence this lesson immediately followed their lesson on evolution.  Do I think that the teachers had an agenda to sway the minds of these kids? No.  What it sounded like to me (coming from my son) the teachers were just as clueless and mislead.  They didn't know the Truth.  And believe me when I say, "someone" has an agenda.

Sisters in Christ know the Truth.  Read and study God's Word.  Teach your kids.  Nothing is more important than knowing Truth as a family.  Do your children know who Jesus is?  What He did for them?  Do they know that the God of Abraham is their God too?  Do they know that they were chosen before the foundation of the world?  Do they know their God?  Do you as a family believe God?

Get to know your God and read His Word.  If you don't teach them, "someone" will. 

Just a thought.......

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Learning From Autism

I have just written a children's book that describes a relationship between an autistic boy and a typical little girl. I love this story because it is near and dear to my heart.  The little girl I describe is my daughter Jessie and the boy is her best friend Jesse.  The main reason I wrote this book was to teach each and every child to  truly understand how much we can learn from children with special needs. 

There are people out there that view children with special needs as useless or without value.  Doctors may use this perspective as an excuse to give counsel for terminating a pregnancy.   My dear readers I wish I could give you a glimpse at the transformation Jesse Boy has made on my children's lives.  Even though they are not perfect (he doesn't have super powers) but because of Jesse they are more compassionate, they befriend the special needs child in school, they have patience and they understand that God made them for a reason.

Both my daughters have a special needs child in their class.  Jessie, my fourth grader, asks "Mike" to sit by her at lunch and invites him to play with her at recess.  Her teacher says she is the only one who can sit by "Mike" and not complain.  The teacher even forgets that she needs to monitor him because Jessie has taken over the job to guide him and redirect him.  Jessie didn't need to be coached or trained, because she "gets it".  She is now explaining to her friends how to understand with him and how to be apart of his life. 

My youngest daughter, Becca, is in kindergarten and has a child in her class that can be really difficult because of her special needs.  Becca came home the other day and said "Hayley" hit her hard in the stomach.  I knew this child so I explained that "Hayley" was like Jesse Boy and she doesn't mean to hit, she is just trying to make friends.  But because she learns different she is not sure how to play and make friends.  Once she made the connection that "Hayley" was just like Jesse Boy she had a totally different attitude toward her.  The next day she asked to play with "Hayley" at recess and used her words if she thought she was being too rough.  It worked.  She "gets it". 

I could never have taught my children how to understand special needs kids if it wasn't  for our best friend Jesse Boy.  People with special needs are really just people who, if given the opportunity, can transform your life.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Tolerance is an Interesting Word

I was reading the paper today, as usual.  The paper of choice around here is the Vail Daily (actually the choices are limited, but we live in a small town so it is all good).  Apparently Vail wants to stimulate our local economy by having Gay Ski Week.  I thought that gays were allowed to ski every week but I guess this is some celebration of sorts or organized event to recognized the gay community.

However, some folks wrote in stating that this is inappropriate and disagreed with such an event  It wasn't hateful or mean-spirited, they just disagreed.  Apparently they were now intolerant people.  Tolerance is a very interesting word in our society.  It seems tolerance only is used when addressing people who agree with the mainstream media or people who lean to the left.  If for some reason an individual doesn't agree with lets say gay marriage, universal healthcare, prochoice, or medical marijuana they are intolerant, close-minded  hate-mongers.  The personal attacks on their character run wild.

Unfortunately the folks who disagreed with Gay Ski Week were called "close-minded, bias and insensitive" and  "not good stewards to our country" and "ignorant and hate-inspiring".  It seems that the people who wrote in to rally behind Gay Ski Week were being very intolerant.   It is kind of funny when you think about it.  They were basically saying "I hate you because I think you are a hateful person."  or  "I cannot tolerate such an intolerant individual".

I wonder why the "tolerant police" were not there to chime in on behalf of the citizens who wrote the Vail Daily against Gay Ski Week.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Book Review

Good news!!  My book Two Shoes was reviewed last week by Christian Children's Book Review.  They did a very thorough review and I was extremely encouraged by their kind words.  I am still so new at this Author stuff that I can't believe when my book pops up on Amazon.com.  I look for it everyday just to make sure I didn't make it all up in my crazy brain. 

This journey I am on is so out of my comfort zone.  I would rather talk about someone else's success than my own.  But today I am tackling my fears of self-promotion head on. I am so thrilled about my book review from CCBR and I am excited to continue establishing myself as an author.  There is so much to learn and even though it is tough to market my books (and myself), I hope I never forget the joy of writing and rhyming for children.  Especially when it is glorifying to God.

God must have given me this "gift" of rhyming for some reason or He wouldn't of made me think and write this way.  In fact it is very hard for me not to rhyme, does anyone have the time, I make my salsa with lime, I hope that is not a crime....."stop rhyming and I mean it, does anyone have a peanut?" (Princess Bride movie)

Gotta Go!

Friday, October 9, 2009

God Can Change Even Me

The last couple of weekends a mom from my soccer team came up to me to "talk" to me about her son.  She was visibly angry and frustrated.  I am not easily intimidated so I said sure, lets "talk".  I listened and validated and tried my best to keep the conversation at an even level. 

Because she doesn't know very much about soccer the conversation was difficult.  It was like talking to someone who knows very little English.  We were both confused.  I think we both had deer-in-the-headlights expressions on our face. 

After the conversation I realized my growth as a Christian woman.  Sometimes I wonder if I have grown at all.  It is similar to seeing your children everyday and not realizing that they grew 2 inches until you messure them on the kitchen wall.  That is how I felt this last Saturday.  The old Beth (BC-Before Christ in my life) would have got in that lady's face and told her somethin' somethin'.  Especially when she verbally attacked my son.  But I didn't even go to that dark place of anger and domination.  I actually felt sad for the woman because she was so angry and bitter. 

I went to my car and thanked my Lord and Savior for saving me from a life of bitterness.  I never thought that I would ever be at a place that was more about love than anger.  I truly felt a desire to love that mom.  I couldn't imagine holding on to such resentment.  You could see her pain and emptiness in her expressions.

I feel like God took me into the kitchen and messured me on the wall.  God is good and boy can He change us.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Our Husband's Helper

God created Adam and put him in the garden to cultivate it and keep it.  Then God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone:  I will make him a helper suitable for him."  Then God made every creature, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him.  (Gen. 2:4-23 NASB)  So God created Eve, to be Adam's helper.

There are a lot of views out there describing the relationship between a husband and wife.  Who is the leader of the home?  Who works?  Roles?  Respect? Parenting duties?  Who cleans?  Cooks? 

Women continue to fight for the right to work and take on more and more roles.  Why?  I can only generalize  the reasonings behind women's motives.

What did God call woman when He created her?  "Helper suitable for the man."  Why is that such a bad thing?  I figure since God created us, He should know what makes us tick.  Helper.  That is very specific.  We were made to be a helper. God created us just for our man.  Together we become one flesh.  I like that visual.

With that thought in mind, why are women struggling to be more than that or different than that or to be the man.  I find the woman's role to be hard enough without taking on the man's role.  It should be a partnership like no other.  Because together husband and wife are one flesh, unable to seperate.

I find life to be peaceful and secure when I let my man lead.  When I embrace my role as a helper.  The system works and it works well.

Now if you were to ask our children who's in charge, there is debate.  My oldest daughter Jessie says I am in charge and my son Logan stands firm and says that Jim is in charge.  The youngest Becca "Boo"  says I am in charge but then whispers in her daddy's ear that she thinks he is in charge too.  But when we break it down, they all agree I am in charge of the laundry, cooking, cleaning, soccer practice, homework and singing/dancing in the kitchen.  Jim is in charge of working, owning and running two businesses, outside chores, bills, handing out chores for the kids, taking care of his family and wrestling after dinner. 

But now that Jim got me a housekeeper I don't have to be in charge of cleaning anymore.  Sounds good to me!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Things I Never Thought I'd Say Out Loud

I go through life as a mom of three kids and each day is a new experience.  I assume I am doing what is best for my kids and I pray for God's guidance. I know for certain I am not perfect but each day I try my best.  Whatever that means......

Even through prayer and my best attempts I catch myself saying things to my children that I never thought I would have to say. 

For example: 

"Honey please don't lick the wall". 

"You have to wash your hands AFTER you go to the bathroom".

"Did you forget your undies today"?

That was just yesterday.  I realize that it has to be the way I am parenting that causes me to say these things.  It must be something I am doing.  Can't fix it now so I think I am going to keep a journal about all the things that I can't believe I have to say out loud. 

"By the way who let the rat out"?

Life is good!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What a Breakthrough!!!

OMG! Literally! As a new believer, I am doing the Bible study Believing God with Beth Moore and I had a major breakthrough two days ago. In the second week, we are asked to make a list of what we are risking by believing God and what we are risking not believing God. Through my list I dug down deep to discover that the big knot in my tummy, when I thought of surrendering, believing and putting my well being in God's hands, came from years of being let down my whole life- mainly by my parents.
As my mother was not capable of loving and my father was absent most of my life; when I was little and was dependent on "someone", I was constantly let down. So I built up a wall around my heart, my mind, and my well being. What a terrible feeling to be forgotten, neglected, and made to feel guilty for existing. So, I had to become strong enough to make it on my own and hold the power and destiny of my life in my own little hands. (I didn't know God existed).

Wow.... God does exist and guess what?????? People, humans, you and me will always let others down, disappoint, and never come close to giving the love, acceptance, and well being that God can give! And Halelujah for that!

So for me, this is a stepping stone in my faith. I can put my faith and trust in God. He won't let me down and he will make my heart his first priority. What a wonderful gift to give to my children as well! How comforting to know that Jesus loves them even more than I can love them.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Who Are We To Judge?

We need to be honest with ourselves. It seems once Christians know the Bible they use it more like a tool to condemn or a righteous pedistal that we can stand on to look down on others.

We have all done it or have seen it. We have this idea that once we believe and are saved we are apart of the best club in town. "Jesus is the leader of OUR club........who is the leader of YOUR club?"

Here's the deal. God chose us. Not because we did anything special, or He thought we were worthy, or super smart, or etc.....

He chose us and because we believed He reckoned to us as righteousness (Gen:) We had to surrender, believe God and ask forgiveness for our wretched lives. That doesn't make us sinless or worthy. Now God sees us throough His Son who died on the cross for our sins. What Jesus did is the reason we can be apart of God's kingdom.

We need to remember this when we look down on people. Love the smoker, drinker, cusser, the young pregnant single girl, loud neighbors, tardy church goer, Sunday morning sleeper, the girl with two mommies, etc....Basically fill in the blanks with the sinner you grumble about or mock. Just because their sins are more visible doesn't make us sinless. We are just as sinful as everyone else and the sooner we realize that the sooner we can start loving each other instead of judging.

The fact is the more we know the Bible the closer we should be with God. The more we should know Him.

I am planning on using the Bible to smack myself on the head when I start thinking more highly of myself than I ought to. Memorizing verses are less painful and more productive.

Yet another thing I am working on with my walk with Jesus!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Passion of Women

I have been reading many blogs from other Christian Women and I stand in amazement. They have such a passion for others, causes and certain crafts. The one mom that blew me away was www.motherhoodinrealtime.com. She is on a mission to minister to women on their way to have an abortion. By reading her website and blogs, you can feel her love for these women. She doesn't judge them or put them down. She fears for their choice because she knows first hand the aftermath of such a decision. I find her journey to be remarkable and I stand in awe how God has used her for His glory.

Her love for another truly shows her love for Christ.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Obama's Plan is for the Birds

I listen and I listen but I still can't understand why so many Americans trust the proposed Healthcare plan. A public option will only put the other companies out of business which will in turn give us only one option. Just like Canada or Cuba or Israel, their Healthcare is run by their gov't at the expense of the citizens. I don't know about everyone else, but my taxes are high enough.

Small businesses will be hit the hardest and America as we know it will definitely change. I love America, I am not ready for it to become France (or any other European country for that matter). America was made on dreams and hardwork. That is why there is a phrase "living the American dream". I have never heard anyone moving to France or Germany to "live the French or German dream". Because over in Europe or Canada the harder you work or the bigger you grow your company only means more money for the gov't. More taxes and very little reward. Who wants that?

It is not a bad thing to earn a living and make good money. America is one of the richest countries in the world. It is also one of the most generous. People here truly care about the poor and the weak. I think the amount of charities in this country should speak volumes.

America will be fine if the gov't would just leave us alone.

Just a thought

Many Topics

I think it is safe to say that this blog will always be on topics that are important to us. They may be on political or marital topics. They be controversial or simple. It is the way we roll. Because we do not have the time or energy (or the ability to organize our time very well), we are going to stick to one blog stating many topics.

Thank you for your patience and your willingness to love us through our craziness.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Love One Another

Why do we go to church?

Is it to feel apart of something? To belong? To have fellowship? To hear the Word of God? I think we need to ask ourselves why we go to church. What is our motivation? The reason I ask this is because I think we have all forgotten the role of Christian churches.

In my small town I have seen so much break up and destruction within the church. I have seen churches become nothing but cliques or clubs. New people just get in the way of their time to socialize and exclusively fellowship. I chalk it up to human error. We make church about us and not about our neighbor. We want to have a title (elder, children's pastor, greeter etc.) and forget that we should be servants. It truly breaks my heart because I find it hard to invite friends or family to church.

I am just to blame. I have found myself doing the same thing throughout my life. But God has convicted me. Open up the Bible and read what Jesus told His disciples before He left them. John 13:34-35 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

Do all men know that you are a disciple of Christ by how you treat and love others? It might be a good time to start. This verse is not something just to put on your wall as decoration. It is about time we as Christians start obeying and loving each other. Maybe if we start loving each other we will truly understand just how much our God loved us.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Laugh Out Loud

It is time to laugh. I know when I need a good laugh. When I take my life a little too seriously. At this time I think of all the things in my life that really aren't serious but actually ridiculous. For example:

I am in a panic to check the house over before the cleaning lady comes. I am a stay-at-home mom yet my husband hired a cleaning lady.

My husband calls me at 12:00 to see what is for dinner because he is deciding where to go for lunch.

I get out of the shower, thinking I am alone, when my 5 year old daughter sneaks up on me and "zerberts" my tush.

I hurry off to the gym for a quick workout and realize after entering the facility that my shorts are inside out. Visualize shorts with undies and it looks similar to a diaper.

I have mustard an my nose when out to dinner with friends and my husbands notices it when I get home. I mean how long has it been there?

I run to the store and have to return a total of 6 times because I keep forgetting something in the house. My neighbor waves each time I return.

We buy new furniture for the kids and the old dresser stays in the hallway for 2 weeks. We start using it as a place to put our backpacks.

We change burnt out light bulbs only when there is a minimum of 4 bulbs burnt out.

My 5 year old daughter starts yelling out "peddle on the right grandpa" when someone in front of us is driving slow.

When I think of all these silly things in my life, I just laugh out loud. Life is good. My family is healthy, we live in the best country in the world and Jesus Christ is our hope. Good Times!