Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What a change!

So it's my second day at work after being at home with my girls for 3 and a half years. The much anticipated change in our lives is taking place and it feels so strange. Sad to see this "season" of my life end and also a bit of excitement of reentering the "adult world". I think.
The girls had a great day at preschool yesterday and my first day of work was, dare I say easy? I've heard that being a stay at home mom is the hardest job, but don't people just say that to moms to make them feel better, appreciated, and motivated to keep going?
I am looking forward to missing my girls, instead of trying to get by each day finding ways to entertain them and keep them out of trouble. I am also looking forward to engaging in adult conversation with work colleagues and strangers.
I'm also a bit scared. I pray that God guards our hearts and minds against things and people of this world that do not know Him. As a new Christian, venturing past my doorstep on a regular basis is a bit unnerving. And what a new thing to worry about as a mother that my babies are not right under my wing.... I am not protecting them each and every day.

C'est La Vie.....my life anyways. I will let you know how it comes along.

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