I listen and I listen but I still can't understand why so many Americans trust the proposed Healthcare plan. A public option will only put the other companies out of business which will in turn give us only one option. Just like Canada or Cuba or Israel, their Healthcare is run by their gov't at the expense of the citizens. I don't know about everyone else, but my taxes are high enough.
Small businesses will be hit the hardest and America as we know it will definitely change. I love America, I am not ready for it to become France (or any other European country for that matter). America was made on dreams and hardwork. That is why there is a phrase "living the American dream". I have never heard anyone moving to France or Germany to "live the French or German dream". Because over in Europe or Canada the harder you work or the bigger you grow your company only means more money for the gov't. More taxes and very little reward. Who wants that?
It is not a bad thing to earn a living and make good money. America is one of the richest countries in the world. It is also one of the most generous. People here truly care about the poor and the weak. I think the amount of charities in this country should speak volumes.
America will be fine if the gov't would just leave us alone.
Just a thought
Friday, September 11, 2009
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As you don't understand how there can be so many supporters of it, I find it hard to believe how many opponents there are. I don't understand how anyone can back a system where large chunks of the population are denied basic health care because they are not of a high enough economic class.
I don't understand how people can use the defense "America was made on dreams and hardwork." That's not a defense AGAINST universal health care, that a defense FOR it. Americans worked their butts off, not for themselves, but for their country. So why would you let fellow countrymen go without adequate health care? How is that patriotic?
In your earlier post, you quoted John 13:34-35, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
Did Jesus love some of us, and tell others that couldn't give enough to go away? No. Jesus accepted and loved all. That is what universal health care does.
America is one of the richest countries in the world, so why do so many of it's citizens live in poverty?
What Obama is proposing is far from perfect, but it is a HUGE step up from what is currently in place.
Thank you for you comment. I am not against a plan to help the poor, I just don't agree with Obama's plan. There is definitely a break down in our system when the system we have for the poor and disabled (Medicaid)isn't working and we don't recognize or try to fix the problems. How do we learn from our mistakes if we don't honestly address them? Quickly coming up with another Healthcare system doesn't solve problems it just creates new ones. I can only give my opinion based on my experiences. I see too many people choose not to have health insurance because they want the bigger car or new car instead of used. They want the toys instead of being responsible. I have been at both sides of the spectrum. I have lived with very little being a stay at home mom with 2 small children and my husband making a very small salary. We still had health insurance (we paid for ourselves). We did without big time! Now we own a small business and do without to provide health insurance for our employees.
People have such a sense of entitlement now and want the gov't to take care of them. I don't support that type of help. We need to clean up the systems we have so that the people who really need the help can get it and the people who abuse the system learn to take responsibility for themselves.
I am not sure how to respond to the statement about Jesus's love compared to universal health care. Because I believe He is more interested in the hearts of His people and if they accept His gift of salvation. He actually has the best plan out there. If you choose the Jesus plan you get eternal life and the bill has already been paid in full!
Thank you again Christopher for your comment I can tell you have a heart of compassion.
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