Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Word is for the Young too!

Daniel, David, and Samuel were not old and wise in their faith. They were young men or more correctly boys. Yet they knew God and God knew their hearts. These boys did amazing things because they believed God.

We have been talking to our kids about these true and real characters of the Bible. Daniel was taken from his safe Jewish home and dropped in the middle of Babylon. We helped them view this image by using their safe and secure home as an example. We said, "Listen up, it would be like being taken from your safe Christian home and plopped right down in the middle of Las Vegas." We asked them if they would be prepared and could they stand firm with just God on their side? Of course, our 6 year old said, "Yes, I would be ready, but where is Las Vegas and why did we all go there." (Maybe this lesson was a little bit much for her, but she still listened and participated.)

The other two understood what we were saying. Daniel knew the Books of Law and he knew and believed God. He was able to stand firm because he knew the Word. He was a boy between 13-15 years old and was able to stand firm for 70 years of captivity.

"Daniel, servant of the living God, whom you constantly serve, been able to deliver you from the lions?"

Lets teach our children to be Daniels and get them in the Word.

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