Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Where's the Love?

Where is the love? This is what I want to know. We can have knowledge, wisdom, money, generousity, kindness, etc...but still refuse to love. Believe me I am at fault too.

Here is what I am talking about and I hope it comes across well. But since I am the writer of this blog I am sure someone will be offended. (I need to work on that...someday).

A friend of mine is on a brand new walk with Jesus. God has really openned up her heart to listen and understand the truth of who He is and what He has done for her. Sounds good so far. All she wants is to learn the Bible and truly understand what it says. She started meeting with a mentor from our church. Great lady, really knows The Word. But instead of teaching her the Word, she told my friend where change needed to occur in her life and pointed out her sins. Of course, she prefaced every comment with "I am not judging you, but you need to be aware of areas of sin in your life."

Needless to say, my dear friend came to me in tears. It made me think of our role as sisters in Christ. We need to take our authority out of the situation, because we have none. We forget that the measure of faith that we have has been given to us. And if we truly believe that, then God does the changing and giving along our walk with Him. We can't hurry someone's walk or give them the Cliff notes to catch them up. We are truly there just to love. God reveals our areas of sin. God changes our hearts and desires. God gives us the ability to understand His Word. God chose us for a purpose, His purpose.

Do we really feel He can't change people without our help? Are we really helping at all? If I look at my friend and her experience, I would say the mentor didn't help at all. And I am sure she wasn't trying to be mean or judgemental, she just forgot how to love.

What if some really "big" sinners entered through the doors of your church?
Sinners like hookers, gay couples, abortion doctors, politicians, molesters etc...You know the sinners that we justify don't deserve our love. Believe me I struggle with this all the time. But I shouldn't. If God can rescue me from the mire and change me, He can change them. All He calls us to do is love them and be a witness for Christ. Just love them.

Isn't that what Jesus told His disciples?

Just a thought..:)

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